The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) is a parastatal body established under the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority Act 2009.The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives and is committed to support and facilitate the development of entrepreneurship and SMEs in Mauritius.

SMEDA has organized over 100 Craft Training Courses for the benefit of 3500 entrepreneurs namely in Basketry, Fibre Craft, Textile, Jewelery, Ceramics etc, covering technical workshops on aspects of Quality, Packaging, Import and Export Procedures etc. SMEDA also provides courses such as Pottery, Wall Hanging with Natural Fibres and Surface Painting to follow the trends in the Handicraft sector. Some other technical courses are carried out such as Packaging and Labelling, Product Development, Product Design and Creativity.

Ten students of SPD Level 1 (2012/13) and Textile/Fashion Design Level 2 (2012/13) went for their training at SMEDA in 2013.

Task Requirements:

As designers in their specific field (Fashion Design, Sustainable Product Design and Textile Design), they had to select an Inspiration Theme; Design and Develop products based on the incubators covered in their training.

The proposed workshops/incubators at SMEDA are:

  1. Silk Painting
  2. Wood Carving/Pyrogravure
  3. Ceramics
  4. Jewelry, beading work, etc…
  5. Basketry


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