Welcome to Doctoral School
As most graduates step out in the world of work, there are many who would like to study their chosen field in more depth. Postgraduate research enables students to improve and challenge their knowledge, make important discoveries, pursue a career in academia and use the analytical and research skills which are transferable to many career paths.
Set up since 2014 at the University of Mauritius, the Doctoral School is presently headed by a Director who is supported by administrative staff. The School is responsible to recruit and bring together MPhil/PhD students to enhance their experience. The School provides the necessary support to research students through seminars, conferences, presentations and forums which help groom students to becoming good researchers..
Since its inception the Doctoral School is striving to encourage students to undertake postgraduate research at the University of Mauritius by guiding them in their application and processing the applications at the earliest. The School has also run several workshops for the MPhil/PhD students in view of promoting knowledge exchange and enhancing the research skills of the students. Moreover, the Doctoral School provides its continuous support to prospective and ongoing research students in line with the strategic objective of the UoM to enhance research and innovation capacity.